Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Pokemon: Let’s Go simplifies the series without losing its soul

Since Pokémon: Let’s Go’s announcement, Game Freak director Junichi Masuda has hammered home a single point: this is not your typical Pokémon role-playing game. Instead, it’s a softer, more approachable version. The kind of game meant to capture the attention of younger audiences who never experienced the original games, new fans drawn into the series by Pokémon Go, and older players whose nostalgia will win them over.

The most surprising thing about Pokémon: Let’s Go — which comes in both Pikachu and Eevee varieties — is that it nails that Venn diagram perfectly.

Let’s Go is a mashup of series favorite Pokémon Yellow and Niantic’s breakout hit Pokémon Go. Set in the Kanto region, home to the series’ original 151 pokémon, players...

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