Saturday, October 20, 2018

Two spacecraft are embarking on a seven-year journey to decode Mercury’s mysteries

<em>An artistic rendering of BepiColombo arriving at Mercury</em>

Tonight, Europe and Japan are set to launch a joint spacecraft that will travel more than seven years to one of the least-explored places in our Solar System: the planet Mercury. The launch marks the first mission to this tiny world for the two regions. The hope is to answer some lingering questions about the planet that were raised by the last probe we sent there, NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft.

The mission, named BepiColombo, consists of two spacecraft in one package. The European Space Agency (ESA) has built its own vehicle called the Mercury Planetary Orbiter, or MPO, which is designed to study the planet from orbit with a suite of 11 instruments. The contribution from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is also an orbiter —...

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