Thursday, November 15, 2018

An Italian volcano’s massive eruptions fit a pattern — and the cycle may have restarted

A view across the Campi Flegrei caldera.

New research indicates that a volcano near Naples, Italy might be in the early stages of gearing up for an eruption large enough to change the area’s landscape.

The study, published today in Science Advances, may be of particular interest to the 1.5 million people living within the bounds of the volcanic complex. Fortunately for them, there’s no indication that this massive event will happen any time soon. Volcanic eruptions like this can take thousands of years to develop, and there’s no way for volcanologists to tell when, or even if, this particular type of eruption will occur. Still, it’s a fascinating and rare look at the innards of one of the most dramatic phenomena on Earth.

In the study, researchers found that molten rock...

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