Friday, August 17, 2018

Science confirms that women’s pockets suck for smartphones

The scourge of women’s pockets — tiny, useless bubbles of fabric you can barely get a pack of gum into, let alone an iPhone X — is a well-documented, often criticized phenomenon. And yet, there’s been very little data to back up a wealth of anecdotal evidence. The Pudding has finally filled this absence with some scientific findings of its own, which once again remind us that the lady pocket is just too damn small.

According to the The Pudding’s findings, pockets in women’s jeans are, on average, 48 percent shorter and 6.5 percent narrower than those of men’s. To put this into a perspective we all care about, the site says that only 40 percent of women’s front pockets can completely fit a iPhone X. The number only goes down for the...

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