Tuesday, July 24, 2018

How New York is prepping for the next superstorm, six years after Hurricane Sandy

This October will mark the sixth anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, the “superstorm” that slammed into the East Coast and wreaked record-setting havoc on parts of New York and New Jersey. Six years later, city planners in New York are still struggling with an uncomfortable truth: many climate models point to rising sea levels and more intense, more frequent storms in the region. How long will it really be before another “storm of the century” hits New York?

Robert Laga, a program manager at New York City Transit, isn’t waiting to find out what another storm like Sandy does to the city. He remembers the first vividly enough.

“A day or two after the storm, I went down to the Rockaways, because we were doing some work down there,” he said in...

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