Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The internet can’t agree on what ‘big dick energy’ means

The internet’s obsession with ponytailed pop sensation Ariana Grande has spawned a surprisingly resonant concept: “big dick energy.” Once you’ve read the words, they stick with you, almost demanding to be spoken out loud. Although having a large penis has long been a symbol of traditional cis masculinity and power, big dick energy both references and transcends that idea — it’s not about having a penis at all.

Rihanna? Big dick energy. Cardi B? Big dick energy. Cate Blanchett? Big dick energy. It’s not just stars, though. On Twitter, hundreds of people are drafting up a taxonomy of what big dick energy is and who actually has it. Merely having a hefty wang or being a household name does not grant you big dick energy, but as with so many...

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